Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March Review...

So each month I'm picking out pictures taken from that month and making a mosaic.  I think it will be fun to look back and see how the kids have changed/grown thoughout the year!  I would like to get them all developed into 12x12 photos and put into a book at the end of the year!  hum - that might make some good presents!  (just thought of that) (= 

                                          Some of my Fav's!


  1. omg--those are some SIMPLY CUTE CREATIONS for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) what a great idea to make monthly photo highlight collages into a book...and yes...quite possibly the BEST PRESENT EVER to the aunts & uncles & grandparents!!! ♥♥♥

  2. Your babies are just GORGEOUS!!!
