Monday, December 6, 2010

Chalkboard Tag Ornaments

I found these cute wooden ornaments and new they would be fun to dress up!  On one side I used  digi images from by LORi designs, added some DP, ribbon and used my Ric Rac die.  The other side was painted with chalkboard paint.  You can write your own little personal message!  You can use these as a gift tag and then as an ornament for your tree!!!


  1. Ohhhhhhhh that is tooooooooo cool!!! LOVE IT!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Absolutely adorable, Jennifer! I love the chalkboard backing which means they can be reused!

  3. oh, my, another cute idea-these tags are adorable, and i love that you can write up them-so creative!

  4. Theses are so sweet, love the chalkboard on the back, thanks for the idea!
