Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Bug & Roo and a Blog Award!

Here are a couple cards I made with a new sweet image from Bug & Roo.  These images were done by Hannah Boyd daughter of  Lori Boyd and they are oh so cute just like her moms! (=  If you'd like to check them out they are available at By LORi designs

Also, I recently received a blog award from the super talented Emily Leiphart.  

I'm supposed to tell you three things that make me, me and then pass it on to three friends. 
1.) I LOVE my family and LOVE being a mom!! It's the BEST!!! (=
2.) No suprise that I'm addicted to all things crafty!!!
3.) I Love sports!  Watching and playing (not as much playing anymore).  I especially love cheering for my Oregon DUCKS!!!
Now I'll pass it on to:
1.) Lynn Miller
2.) Julie Tucker-Wolek
3.) Silvia Rodriguez


  1. thanks so much, jennifer! you are so sweet!

    don't you just love emily's blog?!

  2. Those CARDS are ADORABLE!! Loving the colors and the ribbon!! And thanks for the award!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee reading stuff about peeps! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. What a wonderful surprise ~ thank you so much Jennifer! You are the sweetest!


  4. These are adorable, Jennifer! They'd be perfect for little girl birthdays! Hooray for blog awards! :D
