Saturday, February 5, 2011

BLD Birthday Emma

I have a really cute image today from By LORi designs.   It's Birthday Emma!  I have two little girls and lots of birthday parties to attended so this is a perfect image for a sweet little birthday card!!  If you'd like to check out the other cute images by Lori Boyd you can check them out HERE!

                 Clean, simple and cute!   My favorite kind of card! (=


  1. I love this card - so sweet! I am sure any little girl would love it.

  2. sooooooooooooo cute cute cute! I love love love love the little music notes! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. such a fun card! love the colors, jennifer!

  4. Very very cute! I love the colors you used and the fun music notes!!

  5. Oh, this is awesome, Jennifer! I love the musical background and the beautiful colours!
