Thursday, March 24, 2011

Silhouette Vinyl

I'm starting to use my Silhouette a little bit more!  I just love how you can use any fonts for free!  Also, love being able to pick a single image from their store for only 99cents!!   There are so many things you can add vinyl to, but I've been having fun using plates.  I've seen this saying popping up more and more and I love it! 
So TRUE!!  They sure do grow up fast!! 


  1. I soooooooooooo love that quote!! Looks AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. This is beautiful, Jennifer! I don't know anything about Silhouettes but can you use and wash that dish? P.S. I love your new photo!

  3. These plates are just for decoration! I wouldn't wash them!(=

  4. thanks so much for visiting my blog & taking the time to leave a comment ~ i really appreciate it! :)
