Saturday, March 26, 2011

A trip to the beach

The kids were on Spring break this week although the weather was wet and cold! )=  We spent a few nights over at the beach house.  It's always a nice relaxing getaway.  No phones constantly ringing, no running the kids back and forth...  Just lots of family time!  We spent time at the beach, had lots of good food (yummy chowder), relaxed in the hotub, watched movies, played games...  It was a great time!!  Here are some pictures.


  1. Hehe, love the seagull photo! Have a great day :-) Janna

  2. Looks like a blast!! Loveeeeeeeeeeee the photos! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Beautiful photos, Jennifer! It looks like you had a really nice, relaxing time. The seagull photos is awesome!
