Thursday, June 23, 2011

BUSY Week!!!

Well it's been a crazy busy week around here and I haven't had a moment to sit down and make anything. )=
We have been doing Vacation Bible School, Basketball camp, swim lessons for both girls (at diff. times) etc. Throw in a new puppy and a husband who has been out of town all week and you have one tired Mom!   What happened to the lazy day's of summer??  I do have a few pics from the week!
Snow cones are a summer favorite!!! (=

We got a small fire pit for the backyard.  We made some smores last night!! YUMMY!

I got a slight smile! LOL

Here are more pics of the new puppy!!!

Thanks for stopping by!! 


  1. I wish my busy week looked as fun as yours!! LOL!! My has been stuck at my desk at work! LOL!! I wanna trade! :):):):):) LOVING the photos... your PUPPY is sooooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. such darling pics today, jennifer! love the smile from your son:)

  3. Your children are beautiful!!! Love the pictures. Have fun!

  4. LOVE the pics, Jennifer! Your kids are so beautiful and I love the new puppy! Looks like the kids are relaxed, even if you aren't. LOL Take it easy this weekend!

  5. Bet you are tired ;) The photos are great, especially the cute puppy! Hugs
