Sunday, June 12, 2011

Some exciting news at our house!

We are the proud owners of a sweet little puppy!!! (=  Yep, she's a little thing!! We've been holding off on getting a dog for awhile now , but I knew it would happen.  The kids were so excited.  It's kinda like having a new baby in the house! hehe (=   We named her Sadie!
Another fun find over the weekened.  This spinning card holder that I got for only $12.00!!! (= 

And last, but not least a cool picture I took.  We were heading out to see the puppy and we passed this small carnival.  I grabbed my camera as we were driving past and got this picture!!

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope you had a great weekened!!!


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! He is ADORABLE!!!!! LOVING that ferris wheel photo too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Squeee!!!! Sadie is too cute for words! It looks like she's going to be getting a LOT of love. Please share photos all the time. LOL

    LOVE the card holder! I've been looking for one of those ever since Pottery Barn discontinued theirs and it's been years! WHERE did you find yours?!

  3. Sadie is so beautiful! And tiny! My dog has never been that tiny ;) Have a lovely day :D Janna

  4. oh, so sweet!! love her name, jennifer! i would love to find a card holder like that! pretty pic of the ferris wheel!
