Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to School!

Summer has come to and end. )=  The kids are officially back to school!  Here are some pictures of the girls from today.  Chase is starting tomorrow!
Cambria - 1st day of 3rd grade

Delaney - 1st day of Kindergarten

And here is a card using my Unity Camera stamp.  Perfect for sending those snapshots to Grandma! (=


  1. Loveeeeeeeeeeee their photos!! They are sooooo beautiful! And love love love love the card... *sigh* I love that camera!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

    YAY for my package! Can not wait! :):):)

  2. Super cute pics!! Love the card you made Grandma!!

  3. How fun! I hope your kids have a great first week back.

    And Cambria's teacher ... she was a student teacher of mine from back when I was still teaching! I thought she was fantastic back then and I am sure she is even more so now. So glad Cambria gets to have her!

  4. such a great card for grandma, jennifer! love the pics, too:)
