Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Feel better soon

Here is a cute, clean and simple card using a stamp set from Paper Smooches called Healthy vibes. 

Anyone else use Picnik for photo editing?  I LOVE picnik and it's closing in April!!! )=  So sad about that.  Tonight it was giving me trouble and I couldn't even get anything to upload??  So does anyone have any suggestions on photo editing sites?  I have photoshop elements, but I think I need a class because I just can't figure it out!


  1. Loveeeeeeeee this!! LOVING the clean and simple design!! And try Picasa ... It is also Google based (but I believe it was around before they bought out Picnik...and probably the reason they got rid of one...anyhoo....).... I have been using them FOR YEARS!!! I love it :):):):):):):):) And now I am thinking of it... I am thinking I am right... Picasa just added some new features, similar to Picnik's.... so hmmmmmmmm lol :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. cute card! try picasa--its easy to use, jennifer. also, i haven't tried it, but, some really like gimp--both are free.
