Monday, January 16, 2012

My craft space

I love looking at craft rooms and ways to organize.  I have collected SO MUCH stuff over the last few years it's kinda crazy.  For 2012 I'm really trying to get more organized!   I thought I'd show you my new craft table.  It's from IKEA.  It's great for holding lots of stuff too. 
I'll show more of my crafting space later... (=


  1. love your new desk! and the big pics of the kids on the wall!

  2. OMGEEEEEEE!! I loveeeee it! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. The new table is gorgeous! I love how there are so many built in spaces underneath. I love your cubbies, too!

  4. What a lovely craft table!! So neat!! I can't wait to see more of your crafting space ;)
