Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Birthday

Yep, it's my Birthday.  My 40th Birthday.  As I type that it just doesn't seem right.  40???  How did that happen.  It's hard to believe how fast the years fly by.  When your younger time seems to drag on.  You can't wait to be a teenager,  you can't wait to turn 16, 18,  and then 21.  It seems like forever to hit those milestones when your young.   Now with a family and a busy life things seem to speed up and the years seem to be flying by.  I'm O.K with 40, although the young kids all think 40 is SO OLD. LOL (=  It's really all about how you look and feel and I still feel/look young so I'm HAPPY with that! (=
Here are some "forty" pinterest images I found! (=   I'll go with Forty is Fabulous over Forty Blows!  Also had to laugh at that pin.  It reads:  I'm 40 years old  Of course I want another drink!


  1. Ginormous Birthday Wishes!!!!!!!

  2. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! You are now caught up to me! LOL!!! I am LOVING that 1972 shirt... and I have to agree with the bubble gum jar... 40 blows!! LOL!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Jennifer!!

  4. hope your bday was fabulous, jennifer:)
