Monday, February 18, 2013

Craft room reveal

Finally got a chance to take some pictures of my new room.  It was a big project.  So much stuff to go through...  I LOVE the new long desk we made.  It's been a great space.  Love working side by side by my kids.  Also, with the TV  mounted in the corner  I can watch some TV while going through orders etc. in the morning!  (click on the picture for a closer look)
The desk was made using long boards... We cut, sanded and stained them.  The cabinets below were from Lowes. 
As you can see I'm really liking chevron right now. (=  I purchased new chevron chairs and valance.  I wanted a chevron rug, but new that would be too much so I went with a shaggy grey rug!  (=  Also, love my smile pillow! (=

There is still alot of stuff, but it feels so much better.  A lot more organized.  The pegboard is great for stamps, paper and stencils...

This cart from the container store is perfect for my business.  It holds mailing supplies, boards, stencils, paint etc...
And I love my coffee mug and sweet picture of my girls.   I still need to hang my engineer prints and then I'll have my son's picture too!!! (=
Thanks for stopping by.  (=


  1. OMYGOSH!!! It looks AMAZING!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee it!!! WOW WOW WOW!!!

  2. Gorgeous work, Jen!! Love the color choices...yellow is so happy! And, all of the chevron accents and the little accessories to match. It all goes so well together. My favorite is the "smile" pillow and grey shaggy rug. Oh, but I also love the chevron chairs.'s just all FABULOUS!!! Hard work pays off. :)

  3. such a fabulous room, jennifer! love the big table and the color combo esp--oh, and the tv:)

  4. I just absolutely love your room. I'm sitting her with my husband telling him to look. He know's he's in trouble I'm getting ready to re-do my craft/art room.

